søndag 19. desember 2010

5 days to Christmas!

I'm just a wee bit in panic right now...
The time has practically flown away!
And now it's only 5 days left before Christmas...!
I have still some presents left, and before I know it, Christmas Eve is here :)
But even so, I have to admit that Christmas is my favorite time of year, when
everyone come home and with all this Christmas cheer :-P
Now I'm going to show you two of my Christmas cards :-)
If you read about two post ago, I wrote that the Christmas cards I'd made so far
were my greatest ones, but now I've made even more fabulous cards! :-D
oops, I'm sorry, but I've only taken picture of the 3 first christmas cards, so only one today,
and I'll put some more up tomorrow! :-)
Nevertheless, I think this card is really sweet. I know I usually says "really sweet or cute," but I don't know how I can express myself in another way.
Please comment, telling what you think :-)

-Ingrid Marie

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