torsdag 21. juni 2012

Masculine Power

Hello my dear readers,

I am pleased to tell you that my summer vacation's finally started, and that I most likely will have plenty of time and opportunities to make cards and share them with you :)
Like in the last post, I am going to show you the cards that I've been making lately, but haven't had any time to post. Also, we're painting my cardmaking room white, so I won't be able to make anything more before we've moved everything back in there after we've finished!
But back to the cards, here they are:

All of the cards in this post is made to be given to men, and hopefully they look manly. In the card above I've used a stamp  I got on Ebay, a vintage photo I found on google and the "Tim Holtz  Diecuts" are actually someone I just printed and cut out, works perfectly fine, but takes a while to do so ;-)

This card is for my dad's 54th birthday on 1th of July. Which basically means I haven't given it to him yet, but I take the chance that he's not checking my blog... The pictures are of him as a child, very cute. I've used a sizzlits die from Sizzix to make the "Wish" diecut. The corners are made out of paper, I printed them and cut them out. The clock is made out of metal and was ordered from china, on Ebay :-)

This was actually made to be given to my cousin for  his confirmation, but we chose another one, because my parents thought this one  was a bit too "marine". However, I'm certainly pleased with how it turned out, was having extreme difficulties picking colours and which paper to use... Creative block! This stamp is also from Ebay, the rest is bought from a local shop, apart from the Tim Holtz corners and diecut, which was printed ;-)

I hope you enjoyed this post which was dedicated to cards for him, as mostly of my cards certainly are better suited for women :-)
Have a great weekend!


søndag 17. juni 2012

Floats Away In The Summer Breeze

Good evening everyone,

How are you doing? :)
I'm going to continue putting out the latest cards I've been making, today!
This is just a simple tag, made to be hung on gifts or anything, really. "Life is a circus" is a quite nice stamp which I bought on Ebay. The cardstock which I've used is from a "Romantique"-series, is bought from a local retailer.

The stamp says "The most beautiful in the world, cannot be heard, cannot be seen, cannot be felt, with anything, but the heart." The cardstock in the background is some paper I got for free from the magazine, Cardmaking and Papercraft. The vintage photo is one I found on google, which is so easy and amazing really, as long as you've got a printer you can find anything on google! And of course, some of my spellbinders dies around the photo and the "frame". 

This card is for a girl who turns 12, very soon, thought it was a bit of a girly card. First I used a flowery cardstock as a background and a plastic bag, which was really cool, with all kinds of girly expressions on it. The sign is made from one of my new Tim Holtz Bigz Dies, extremely satisfied, totally worth the money. But hope the young girl will appreciate it! :)

Here's the back of the girly card, only a bit of the paperbag and a stamp saying "Handmade by Ingrid MEK", but it's a bit hard to see through the bright pink.

A vintage card which I absolutely love! Started out as a light blue card with a black and white photo of a tulip, but since no one, but me could see what it was on the photo, I decided to change it, and why not change it into something that's really me? The flowers are handmade from old book paper and music sheets. Once again, I've used one of my spellbinders dies around the vintage photo and frame. The half-pearls are some that ordered from Ebay, sat with a glue gun and attached every single one of the pearls.

And the back of the card, very simple :) The Tim Holtz Vintage Photo really makes a difference!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, hope you have a wonderful summer, please comment if you want to know anything or would like to give me your feedback :)

- Ingrid Marie

onsdag 13. juni 2012

What seems like just a few days

Hello fellow bloggers! :D

I know it's been a long time since I last blogged, but I haven't stopped creating. It's been a lot, now as I've started Norwegian VGS, which is kind of like college. But anyway, I thought I'd finally share the first part of what I've made, with you today :)

As the time has flown by, I've bought more stamps, dies, and stash, which probably shows in my cards.

The "metal"-sign is something that I printed from the computer and cut out. I actually bought this Bigz Die on Ebay a couple of weeks ago ;)

The stamp says "Luck is a friend like you" :)

Here, I've used a sizlits(?) die. I've had some glitter-glue on the upper part, and Tim Holtz Vintage Photo on the bottom part. The metal heart was ordered from Ebay, where you can get them extremely cheap, right from Asia. The stamp says "A friend is something the heart needs all the time". 

And this is the back, easy :) I'll probably add a stamp saying "Handmade by Ingrid Marie"!

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading this post, I hope you liked the cards, and I'll see you soon! :D
Have a great week and summer!

- Ingrid Marie